Rochdale is a metropolitan borough council and consists of 5 townships: Heywood, Middleton, Pennines (Firgrove, Littleborough, Milnrow, Newhey, Smallbridge and Wardle), Rochdale North, and Rochdale South.

Make a compliment, complaint or comment
We welcome your feedback, whether it's to make a comment, pay a compliment or make a complaint about our services.
Give feedback
Information on registering to vote, how to vote, latest election results and more.
More on elections
Find a job, get more information on apprenticeships, learn about volunteering and more.
More on jobs
Our values and behaviours
Pioneering and Open, Proud and Passionate - our values are at the heart of how we approach all of the work we do.
Learn more about our values and behaviours
Scheduled website maintenance
We need to carry out regular maintenance work to keep the website secure, reliable and up to date. We try to carry out maintenance at times that will cause the least disruption.
View times and dates of scheduled website maintenance

Remember you need photo ID to vote
You'll need to show an approved form of photo ID before voting in a polling station. This is to improve the security of the voting process and reduce the risk of voter fraud.
Learn about changes to voting in elections
About me
My website accounts
You can access a variety of services using your council or our partners' accounts.
Tracing your family history
Advice and resources to help you trace your family history in the borough of Rochdale.
Copy birth, death and marriage certificates
Find out what copy certificates you can get and how to apply.
Your council
Leader of the council's blog
The leader of the council writes about what's happening at the council and how we're working hard to make the borough better for everyone.
Calendar of council meetings
All committee meetings are open to the public unless indicated. View meeting dates, times and related documents.
Succeed at Rochdale
The borough of Rochdale is a great place to work. Find out more about what makes the area so special.
Council departments
Details of what each council department is responsible for.
Our values and behaviours
Our values are at the heart of all we do.
Budgets and spending
Find out what your council tax pays for, view our fees and charges or get a grant.
Information and data governance
As a data controller we're committed to making sure we're transparent about how we use your personal information.
Equity, diversity and inclusion
We aim to represent, serve and employ people as equals, valuing the diversity of their contributions and aspirations, no matter who they are or what their circumstances.
Moving in
Moving in to the borough of Rochdale
If you're moving into the area or relocating to the borough of Rochdale, there are probably several things you need to do.
Change of address for Council Tax
Report a change of address or tell us you're moving into the borough.
Popular council services
View your bin collection calendar
Use your postcode to see what bin you need to put out and when.
Search for planning applications
You can search for planning applications and track their progress using our Planning Portal.
Make a payment
You can pay a council bill, fine, invoice and more online. Paying online is easier and more secure.
Sitemorse Local Government INDEX Top 10 site
This award demonstrates our commitment to making our website accessible for all.
View all website awards
Internet Crystal Mark
The council's website achieved the Internet Crystal Mark for the 11th consecutive year in 2024. This award demonstrates our commitment to plain English throughout the website.
View all awards
Decision making
Policies, strategies and reviews
We use policy and strategy documents to guide our decisions. We also use them to develop and run our services fairly and consistently.
Councillors and committees
Councillors are responsible for agreeing provision of services and how the council's money is spent.