Chief Executive

Steve Rumbelow
Steve Rumbelow - Chief Executive of Rochdale Borough Council.
He was appointed Chief Executive in December 2014.
The postholder has overall responsibility for the running of the council and schools.
The postholder works closely with councillors and partners from public, private and third-sector organisations to achieve improvements across the borough and to deliver quality services.
The Chief Executive's role includes:
- Accounting for the delivery of the council's corporate strategy and the annual gross expenditure.
- Promoting local democracy - the appointed Electoral Registration Officer and Returning Officer for Rochdale Borough Council. This is required under the Representation of the People Act 1983.
- Attracting businesses and jobs.
- Developing partnerships and co-operatives.
- Delivering vital services to vulnerable people.
- Promoting cohesive communities, including regional programmes on collaboration.
- Taking a long-term view of the area's development and advancing the local area's social, cultural, economic and financial interests.
- Shaping the council's culture through effective overall leadership of the senior management team and employees, advising local and national politicians, and working with the Leader, Cabinet and Council Members.
- Influencing national policy for local government.
- Leading the council's communications function.
- Leading the Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) on several key strategic projects.
- Appointed as Head of Paid Service according to Section 4 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989.