Meeting agendas, reports and minutes
Find recorded agendas, reports and minutes of council meetings.
Search council meetings
Find my councillor
Find details of the councillors for each ward in the borough of Rochdale.
See councillor profiles

Remember you need photo ID to vote
You'll need to show an approved form of photo ID before voting in a polling station. This is to improve the security of the voting process and reduce the risk of voter fraud.
Apply for photo ID
Leader of the council's blog
The leader of the council writes about what's happening at the council and how we're working hard to make the borough better for everyone.
Have your say
Find out about the various ways you can contact us, comment on future plans or take part in consultations.
Attend a committee meeting
All committee meetings are open to the public, unless indicated. View meeting dates, times and related documents.
Decision making
Policies, strategies and reviews
We use policy and strategy documents to guide our decisions. We also use them to develop and run our services fairly and consistently.
Councillors and committees
Councillors are responsible for agreeing provision of services and how the council's money is spent.