Money, debt and benefit advice
Find resources and advice to help with your benefits, including Pension Credit. You can also find support if you can't afford your energy bills, money or debts.
Get help and advice on money, debt and benefits
Get help with the cost of living
The cost of living crisis is putting more pressure on household budgets. Find out what you can claim, how to apply and where to go for advice.
View cost of living help
Borrowing money and illegal money lending
If you're struggling with debts or regular outgoings, don't be tempted to approach a loan shark. There are safe and legal avenues to explore to deal with money problems.
How to report a loan shark and borrow money safely
Household Support
Access financial support on food and household items, energy costs, nappies, baby foods, sanitary products and more.
See available Household Support
Second Adult Rebate
Second Adult Rebate is help with paying your Council Tax bill when you've another adult living with you who prevents you from getting a Single Person Discount.
Apply for your Second Adult Rebate

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Blue Badges
How to apply for a Blue Badge and where you can use it.
Free school meals
Find out if your child is eligible for free school meals and how to apply.
MyAccount gives you access to your Council Tax, benefits, bin collection days and more.
Discretionary Housing Payments
You may be eligible for an emergency payment to help you with your rent or housing costs.
Disabled Facilities Grants
We offer Disabled Facilities Grants to residents who are disabled and need to make changes to their home, for example to widen doors or install ramps.
Avoid scams and keep your personal details safe.
Decision making
Policies, strategies and reviews
We use policy and strategy documents to guide our decisions. We also use them to develop and run our services fairly and consistently.
Councillors and committees
Councillors are responsible for agreeing provision of services and how the council's money is spent.