Apply for a school place
Find out how to apply for school places online in the borough of Rochdale.
More on school admissions
Parent Portal account
The Parent Portal is where you can apply for services relating to your child, check which school your child has been offered and more.
How to sign in or register to the Parent Portal
Find a school or college
Details of all schools and colleges in the borough of Rochdale.
View school details
Free school meals
Find out if your child is eligible for free school meals and how to apply.
Apply for free school meals
Paying for school uniforms
School uniforms and all the extras can be expensive. Read some advice that may help you reduce some of the costs.
Advice on paying for school uniforms
School holidays
View upcoming school holiday dates and the start and end dates for each term in the academic year.
View school holiday dates and closures
Group A strep - what you need to know
Find out about Group A strep, how it's spread, the symptoms, how to get help and more.
Find out about Group A strep
Applications and appeals
Nurture the future
Travel expenses
We offer school travel support to certain families. Find out what we offer and if you're eligible.
Paying for school uniforms
School uniforms and all the extras can be expensive. Read some advice which may help you reduce some of the costs.
Parenting programmes
Parenting programmes provide support, advice and guidance to parents and carers living in the borough of Rochdale.
Decision making
Policies, strategies and reviews
We use policy and strategy documents to guide our decisions. We also use them to develop and run our services fairly and consistently.
Councillors and committees
Councillors are responsible for agreeing provision of services and how the council's money is spent.