Amy's message to Sandra and Peter

May 2020
To Sandra and Peter,
If it wasn’t for the 2 of you I don’t know where I would be now. I love both of you and I am so happy that I came to live with both of you and I would not change that for the world.
I want to thank both of you for helping me change into a mature young lady. I will always appreciate your love, I am so proud to call you both my mum and dad.
I will always love you both and I also want to thank you for being there for me when I need you.
"Thank you for helping me grow"
I will be ever grateful to both of you for helping me through my epic journey of my foster life. I can’t believe it took this long for me to find both of you.
I can’t believe it has been 5 years that I have been with both of you. So as I said I want to say thank you for helping me grow into a mature young lady.
I love both of you and even if I do move out when I reach 21, I will always be here for you just like you are for me.
Thank you very much,
Lots of love