Do you need help?
If you or someone you know is in danger from domestic abuse you can get in touch with us or Greater Manchester Police.
Men and boys working to end male violence against women and girls
We're supporting White Ribbon in the borough of Rochdale. White Ribbon is a charity of men and boys working to end male violence against women and girls.
More about the White Ribbon charity
Free domestic abuse awareness training
We're offering free domestic abuse awareness training for businesses in the borough of Rochdale.
More about the training
Support someone you know
Is someone you know affected by domestic abuse?
If you think a friend or family member is being abused, there's a lot you can do to help.
Domestic abuse resources for employers and practitioners
View guidance, training and more for people who work with victims of domestic abuse.
More support
Emergency contact details
View the emergency and out of hours contact details for the council, housing repairs, utilities and more.
Early Help support for families
Your family can get help with a variety of issues you may need support for.
Mental health support
1 in 4 of us have problems with our mental wellbeing at some time in our lives. View some useful information or get practical support to help you or someone in your life.
White Ribbon
Rochdale Borough Council is now White Ribbon accredited. White Ribbon UK is the leading charity that works with men to end violence against women and girls.
Read about White Ribbon and how to support
Decision making
Policies, strategies and reviews
We use policy and strategy documents to guide our decisions. We also use them to develop and run our services fairly and consistently.
Councillors and committees
Councillors are responsible for agreeing provision of services and how the council's money is spent.