
Simple things you can do

You can help us save money by doing some of these simple things.

Recycle more

If we increased recycling and reduced general waste to landfill by 5%, we would save £1.2 million a year.

Report dumped waste

Dumped rubbish not only spoils the environment - it costs time and resources to clear it up.

By reporting fly-tipping you could help us catch the offenders who are breaking the law. We won't hesitate to take action and prosecute. This should reduce the amount of rubbish that's dumped. 

Dispose of your litter responsibly

Do you see untidy litter spoiling the town and countryside where you live? 

We spend about £2 million each year on street cleaning. This includes picking up litter that's been dropped along with the cost of emptying bins. 

Foster a child

It costs us twice as much to pay an external fostering service to look after a child than it does to use the foster carers we recruit.

A foster carer's role is to work alongside us in supporting the child to achieve their full potential in a safe, secure and stable home.

Shop locally

Every £1 you spend will generate £4 for the local economy which means you're investing in the economy of our borough. You’re also supporting your local community, helping to support jobs and keeping money in the local economy.

It does make a difference - supporting your local town centres means more variety and choice will remain on the high street.

Pay your Council Tax by Direct Debit

It costs us less to provide Direct Debit than any other payment method.

You can also pay for other council services by Direct Debit, such as Careline charges and Adult Care charges for care at home.


Make a positive contribution to the local community, learn and develop a new skill, become a Community Champion or provide support to local people.

Whatever you decide, there are lots of opportunities available locally to suit however much time you have to spare.

Use this website as much as possible

Please continue to use your council website to access services available online, rather than contacting us by phone or in person.

It costs just a few pence rather than several pounds to access services online rather than visiting us in-person or contacting us by phone.