
Have your say

We will update this page when we have our next set of proposals we wish to consult on.

We need your views on several proposals to help us make informed decisions as part of our budget consultation. We have not decided anything yet.

When you can have your say

The public consultation will last just over 4 weeks. Please make sure we've received your comments before the consultation ends.

Starts: 9am, Monday, 4 January 2021.
Ends: 5pm, Wednesday, 17 February 2021.

Proposals you can have your say on

Please read the details of the proposals listed in the table below and submit your comments.

Ref Proposal Savings 2021/22
ASC2122005 Changes to the Adult Care Charging Policy £80,000
NH-2021-22-006 Review of Neighbourhood Cohesion and Community Centre Engagement Officer post £31,000
NH-2021-22-007 Review of Town Centre Enforcement Warden posts £78,000
Total Total proposed savings for public consultation £189,000

How to have your say

There are various ways to have your say:

  • Online: use the links in the table above.
  • Letter or questionnaire: post to Corporate Policy Team, Rochdale Borough Council, Number One Riverside, Smith Street, Rochdale OL16 1XU. 
  • In person: as most of our buildings are closed due to coronavirus restrictions, if you're unable to use the above options to leave feedback you can leave your comments in person at Number One Riverside.

What happens next

We'll record your views and consider the findings before deciding anything final.

Once the consultation has ended, we'll review your feedback and provide details of this to councillors before they make the final decisions at Budget Council on Wednesday, 3 March 2021.

Redacted information

Information contained in the proposals has been redacted, where relevant. This means that some information has been removed to prevent the identification of individuals or identifiable groups. Releasing certain information could cause upset or distress to individuals. In addition, some information may be removed that is considered commercially sensitive. This will be a minimal amount of information and has been subject to a process of scrutiny prior to removal. 

We’ve included the relevant draft Equality Impact Assessment (EIA) for each proposal assessing the likely or actual effects on people with characteristics protected by the Equality Act 2010, where appropriate. As further details become available through the consultation process, the EIAs will be updated and finalised before councillors make a final decision.

Other savings proposals

We also have a number of additional proposals which affect our internal day-to-day operations.

As these proposals do not impact services to residents we do not consult on them publicly.