Childcare Sufficiency Assessment

Childcare Sufficiency Annual Report

​Section 11 of the Childcare Act requires all local authorities to assess the sufficiency of childcare. This means looking at the flexibility, sustainability and responsiveness of childcare provision to meet the needs of local communities.

Rochdale Borough Council has a duty not only secure sufficiency, but its role is also to act as the coordinating body drawing up plans with a wide range of partners such as local health partners, Jobcentre Plus, schools, children's centres, childcare providers and other groups. Our partners were all consulted as part of the sufficiency assessment along with parents and children who play a key role in determining how and what provision is secured.

The assessment process within Rochdale has provided lots of evidence and information to help us facilitate and shape the childcare market in the borough.

How to choose the right childcare

There are some factors you should consider when choosing childcare including your child's age and your family's work and study arrangements. You can search our Family Service Directory for a list of your local childcare services.

Document last updated
January 2020
Document type