
​​​Graffiti is words or drawings that are written, painted, sprayed or scratched on the surface of any property.

Graffiti is illegal and we take it seriously.

Report offensive, abusive or racist graffiti

We aim to remove, for free, any offensive, abusive or racist graffiti within 24 working hours from when it was reported.

Report offensive, abusive or racist graffiti:

Report general graffiti

We can arrange the removal of other non-offensive graffiti from private residences or business premises for a cost that will be assessed on an individual basis. The property owner will need to sign a statement of indemnity.

Report graffiti

What you can and cannot report

You can tell us about graffiti:

  • On private or public buildings that's racist, offensive, obscene or politically motivated. You should also report this to the police.
  • On any public street furniture, such as on benches, post boxes, street lights and traffic signs.

You cannot tell us about graffiti on private buildings unless it's racist, offensive or obscene.

Removal notices

We can serve graffiti removal notices on any privately owned buildings or street furniture.

Any offenders identified who have carried out any defacement will either be prosecuted through the courts or issued with a fixed penalty notice of £75 for each area of defacement.