Adult residential care top-up fees

Pay for an adult residential care top-up fee

You can pay a top-up fee by different methods.

Pay by instalment using Direct Debit or standing order

  • Phone 01706 926299 if you wish to make an arrangement to pay by Direct Debit or standing order:

Pay by telephone by using your debit or credit card:

  • Phone 01706 926180 and choose the 'Sundry Debtors' option.

Pay online - you can make a payment online. You'll need your account number, invoice number and your debit or credit card details.

Pay by bank transfer - you can make a payment using the BACS system. You'll need to arrange this with your bank.

Please make payments to:

Barclays Bank Plc
Account name: Rochdale BC General Receipts
Sort Code: 20-55-58
Account number: 53511367

Pay by cheque

  • Please make cheques payable to Rochdale BC. Send your cheques to: Corporate Debt Team, Floor 2, Number One Riverside, Rochdale OL16 1XU.

Who is the top-up fee paid to?

Once a dual agreement is completed and put in place, we'll make payments directly to the care provider. We'll create an invoice every 4 weeks to the relevant first or third parties.

If the top-up is being paid by multiple contributors, each person will receive an invoice for their share.

Can a top-up be paid by more than one person?

Yes, a top-up can be paid by more than one person. Families and representatives will often split the cost between them.

The dual agreement will detail the exact amount each person will contribute and will require signatures from each third party.

Can the top-up be paid by the service user?

Top-ups can only be paid from the service user’s own funds if they meet the criteria for a first-party top-up.

Third-party top-ups must be paid by a third party and must not be from the service user's own funds.

Can the service user use some of their personal allowance to pay a top-up?

No, personal allowance can never be used to pay a top-up fee.

What happens if the top-up isn't paid?

If a dual agreement exists and details how much each party contributes, we'll pursue the debt with those that haven't paid. We'll follow our current debt recovery process. We won't hold other parties responsible for the total top-up amount.

If a dual agreement doesn't exist, we'll notify both the provider and the relevant first or third party of this in writing. The debt is between the provider and the relevant party and, in these cases, we'll take no responsibility for the debt.