30 seconds could save your life

A person testing their blood sugar levels.
The Know Your Risk tool takes just 30 seconds to complete and could be the most important thing you do today.

Published: 10 June 2024

Residents in the borough of Rochdale are being urged to check their risk of type 2 diabetes by using the online diabetes Know Your Risk tool.

The tool takes just 30 seconds to complete and could be the most important thing you do today. You will be asked about your age, ethnicity, and lifestyle, which can all contribute to your risk of diabetes. If you’re at moderate or high risk, it is important that you speak to your GP practice about having a blood test for diabetes as you can have type 2 diabetes for years without knowing.

Councillor Daalat Ali, joint deputy leader and cabinet member for health and wellbeing, said:

“Type 2 diabetes is a preventable disease. The Know Your Risk tool is so easy to use. Please take a positive step today and use the diabetes Know Your Risk tool. It could help you get your health back on track and reduce your risk of developing the condition.”

The signs of type 2 diabetes are urinating more often, blurred eyesight, sudden loss of weight, feeling tired, feeling thirsty, needing to drink more often, and wounds taking longer to heal or appearing unexpectedly. You are more at risk of type 2 diabetes if you:

  • Are white and over 40, or African-Caribbean, Black African, Chinese, or South Asian and over 25
  • Are of South Asian African-Caribbean, Black African, or Chinese ethnicity
  • Have a parent, brother, sister, or child with diabetes
  • Are living with obesity or are overweight

Complete the diabetes Know Your Risk tool

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