Refer someone at risk of radicalisation

Help prevent someone you know from becoming a terrorist or supporting terrorism by referring them to our radicalisation support programme.

Signs someone is at risk of radicalisation

Radicalisation can be really difficult to spot.

Signs may include:

  • Isolating themselves from family and friends.
  • Talking as if from a script.
  • Unwillingness to discuss their views or refusing to listen to different points of view.
  • A sudden disrespectful attitude towards others.
  • Increased levels of anger or becoming increasingly argumentative.
  • Increase in secretive behaviour, especially around internet use.
  • Use of 'them and us' language.

How to refer someone

If you’re concerned someone you know is at risk of being radicalised, complete the referral form and email it to us using the details on the form.

To refer someone:

  • You do not need their consent.
  • If the person at risk is under 18, you may wish to speak to their parents before referring, but you do not have to.
  • You can refer someone anonymously.

Refer someone at risk of radicalisation

Help the person you refer will receive

The person will be referred to the Channel Panel programme. Participation in the programme is voluntary.

We cannot force the person to take part but we'll try our best to give them the support they need.

The Channel Panel will help the person you refer by:

  • Identifying if the person is at risk.
  • Assessing the nature and extent of that risk.
  • Developing the most appropriate support plan.
  • Reviewing the impact and effectiveness of the support provided.

Criminal records

The programme does not criminalise people for holding extreme views. It does not result in the person you refer having a criminal record through the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS).

A crime will only be recorded if the person you refer has committed an actual crime. As an early intervention programme, it operates as a safeguarding process to protect from radicalisation and offers appropriate support.

Why the referral programme was created

The referral programme was created by the Home Office as part of the government’s counter-terrorism strategy.

It aims to stop people from becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism.