Free adult skills and training

Skills for employment

Skills for Employment is a free service to help you get back into work, or improve your skills if you're already employed. 

It's commissioned by the Skills Funding Agency in partnership with Greater Manchester Local Enterprise Partnership. The contract is part-funded by the European Social Fund.

European Union flag with text reading, European Union European Social Fund, investing in jobs and skills.

Help you can get

Skills for Employment can help you:

  • Improve your skills
  • Find work experience
  • Find a job with a local employer


You must be:

  • Unemployed for 6 months or more, or with only brief periods of employment during that time
  • 18 years old and claiming benefits, or over 19 and not claiming benefits

This FREE support is designed around your own personal circumstances, confidential and is entirely voluntary. Your benefits are not affected by taking part.


Contact the Skills for Employment team: